schools Tag

What price of hearing a tale from a wise head about the merits of a chalk board? Perhaps there are those who still favour the desk/locker combination with etched in messages from pupils gone by? There are even those who insist that a school would...

To be honest, we could probably list 100, but here are the definitive top 10 lingering reasons why we at Academia believe Technology is essential for Schools:1) If used correctly, mobile devices and the applications they support, will help prepare students for their future careers.2) Integrating technology...

The recent WWDC event from Apple answered the usual questions on service management updates for developers of Apple related products – but what really stood out for Academia (and has been on the agenda for some time) was the final nail in the coffin for...

Mention GDPR to a marketing person and you will notice their eyes retracting into the sky and their hands slumping over their face. Mention GDPR to anyone else and you get that quizzical look with the lip licking actions as they consider the meaning….Great Days...

The moon must be a lonely place. Being the only person to not have noticed that Apple are in the public eye over some big announcements this week has left a sour taste in the mouth. Thankfully, our friends at Academia are on hand to...

Technology for children has become a common discussion point in many parent and teacher conversations these days, with many concerned mothers and fathers wondering how far their children need to be educated about future tech.  As the ambassadors of all things Information Technology, Academia have...

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