25 Mar What type of Broadband service does your School need?
Everyday brings new choices. Education management success is the result of the critical decisions you make daily. So why choose bad broadband?
More than 1 million children’s education is at risk due to poor broadband access at home and in the classroom. With most of today’s digitally aware parents wanting their children to have good access to content on the internet for educational purposes, the need for stronger, faster and more reliable ISP connections is higher than ever.
The Academia choice?
Let us help decide what type of ISP connection your business needs before we settle on the right broadband package.
Academia is a Tier 2 ISP, and as such we can provide a range of flexible options to accommodate your needs. As a Tier 2 ISP, we “own” our network – this means that we work with Tail Providers to provide connectivity services between your premises and our Datacentres, and from there, provide connectivity out to the public Internet. This differs from a Tier 3 ISP (or “virtual” ISP), who is mostly just a reseller of a Tier 2 ISP’s services and as such, does not have any element of direct control over the network. Tier 1 ISPs, for reference, are large companies who buy and sell global access to the public internet, such as BT and Vodafone.
What does this mean?
The main advantage of a Tier 2 ISP is flexibility is that we are not tied to only providing our circuits as Tier 1 providers are (meaning that for a Tier 1 ISP, pricing and reach to certain areas and locations may not be possible, or may be more expensive as a result), and as a result can provide the following additional services:
Truly Private Cloud
Customers of any Ethernet-based service can take advantage of a dedicated connection to the hardware in our Datacentres. This effectively means that the Cloud services we provide for you function the same as they would if they were at your premises “inside” your network in the fastest, most secure way possible.
Multi-site connectivity
As we both operate our own network and are not tied to a specific Tail Provider if you have multiple locations we can provide circuits to each of these via a different type of circuit via a different Tail Provider and connect all places as one big network.
4 types of circuit:
Fibre to the Cabinet (FTTC)
Traditionally known as “broadband”, FTTC is a connectivity option that combines two separate delivery technologies – Fibre Optic and Copper
Ethernet over Fibre to the Cabinet (EoFTTC)
Business-grade connection carries an SLA typically less than 8 hours depending on the tail provider.
Fibre to the Premises (FTTP)
Fibre to the Premises lines are the full-fibre equivalent of FTTC
Leased Line
This is the highest grade and most business-ready of all the connectivity options
Access email, online data and the internet, fast. Unlimited download and uploads per month, variable rates per package can deliver up to 10 GB/S dependant on the type of circuit your business requires.
Included in your package is a new Juniper SRX – a combination Router/Firewall that allows Academia to deliver your internet service and monitor uptime to ensure there are no faults. The CPE will be configured by Academia, produced and tested as part of the circuit provisioning process.
Different packages that suit your business needs and budgets across many supporting factors
What ISP Broadband Connection does my School need?
Academia have simplified the choice for you. Let us take the classic game of Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard… to explain your ISP options:

The “solid as a rock” education package
Speeds up to 80Mbps Unlimited and reliable ISP connection, a great value broadband package exclusively for medium to low use internet connection for school

“Wrapping up” your Education needs package
Speeds up to 100Mbps
Universal and reliable ISP connection, with Cloud Web Filtering and optional, managed Office365 support, perfect for active schools on the move

The “cutting through the tape” education package
Speeds up to 330Mbps
Unlimited and highest-grade Leased Line connection, with Cloud Web Filtering, managed Office365 support and Antivirus/Anti-Malware software that is perfect for large schools.

The “Godzilla” education package
Speeds up to 10Gpbs
The fastest, most secure and reliable package to take advantage of the Academia Private Cloud service with full support, training and provisioning process and detail for large schools wanting the best internet quality and service.
What is the cost?
The Academia Team believe in solution before cost. This means they take into effect several factors before deciding on what ISP package is right for your school. Let the team do the hard work and quote you the best package today.
So, what does your school need? Rock, Paper, Scissors or Lizard?
Time to find out…