20 Mar Taking Control of how we use your Data
5 Reasons why GDPR will be good for you – our Academia Customers&
1. it’s the biggest change to UK data privacy law in 20 years
Thanks to technological advances the amount of personal data being generated is rapidly increasing – every time you shop online, use your favourite app or ‘like’ a photo on Facebook you generate data – which is why the law needs updating to better protect people. As part of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) all companies have to review how they manage all personal data – from customer email addresses to employee personal info – and ensure they are GDPR-ready by 25th May 2018.
2. It will give you more control over your personal data
GDPR is about giving you more control on how your personal data is used. You’ll have greater visibility and control over the personal data organisations like Academia hold about you – whether it’s something as simple as your name, or as detailed as your delivery information. This means you can have greater confidence that information about you is accurate, up-to-date and properly managed.
3. You can choose who contacts you, and how
Over the coming months you’ll probably notice a lot of organisations asking for your consent so they can contact you about offers, products or services they think you’ll find useful or interesting. To comply with GDPR, these requests need to be really clear and straightforward. You get to choose who contacts you and how, for example by email, social media or phone. This is to help with your preferences in terms of marketing collateral – meaning you can choose what Technology information we send or promote to you, the customer.
4. You can also change your mind at any time
If you give an organisation permission to contact you, it doesn’t mean you can’t change your mind in the future. Under the new rules, it should be easier to update your preferences on what you want to receive and how. This is made simple by opting out at your own discretion.
5. Your data will be better protected
GDPR also aims to make sure that all organisations holding personal data have the right processes in place to protect it. Organisations who put customer data at risk will face hefty penalties. So it has to be clear what we at Academia are holding on your behalf.
What happens next? As an Academia customer, we’ll soon be asking you to choose how you‘d like to receive updates from us on Technology News, Features, Events, Promotions and latest Product announcements. For example, if you come to our Technology Education Events, you’ll soon be asked to confirm your choice to continue to receive information relevant to you. There will also be other opportunities when you speak to us in the coming months to let us know your preferences, but in the meantime we are going to start to ask you very basic questions – what do you really want to hear about from a major Technology company? We hope it’s the future….
Any questions, please contact our Press and PR team on marketingteam@oldsite.academia.co.uk