academia Tag

Our strategic partners from Vital York are running their annual Education Technology Conference (Vital ETC) on the 27th March at York Races.The annual event will focus on how educators can achieve the very best in teaching and learn through the use of exciting and innovative...

The Higher Education team from the Academia Group has confirmed its sponsorship of the NEUPC conference this year, taking place on Tuesday the 5th March at the Weetwood Hall Conference Centre in Leeds.The North Eastern Universities Purchasing Consortium Ltd (NEUPC), is one of six UK...

The best thing to hold onto in life is each other. Without you there is no us, without them there is no team, and without our customers, there is no need to give technology love and support all year round....

Welcome to the 9th edition of The Educator magazine from the Academia Group, your indispensable guide to all things Technology that features the latest news, reviews and in-depth product and service analysis of what is essential to the UK’s education sector....

If any of my former teachers are reading this article, I think they would argue I had already accepted and successfully delivered on the challenge of mounting a classroom revolution! But I am talking about a very different kind of classroom revolution, one that does not...

Academia offers a number of different options that educational establishments can consider when looking to deliver a mobile learning program. With a 5-step approach that supports the key elements that schools should consider when implementing new technologies:Vision and Plan Technical Infrastructure Considerations Skills &...

It has long been a bone of contention with educationalists that professional football clubs offer no role model status to those in education, in spite of constant claims by the Professional Footballers’ Association that improvements continue.  Claiming the extravagant spending and lifestyles of the rich...

Those of you who have read my previous articles know of my passion for food and quality education in equal measure. I find such strong parallels between the joy of food and the joy of great learning. This article continues in this great tradition. Remember Neapolitan...

What kind of future thinking technology solution innovators would the team at Academia be if we were not able to supply our customers and teacher friends with the best tech tips for 2019?The team, along with some advice from able-minded school teachers in the know,...

New partnership to offer tailored cloud solutions for the Education sector The Base Media cloud platform enables schools and colleges to work smartly and more cost-effectively by providing secure, centralised cloud storage with integrated media software tools, online and on-demand.  The suite of storage and software...

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