14 May Identity and Access webinar for Higher Education
IAM PAM – no you’re not!
What is a Webinar?
Officially, it is the online transmission of seminars, presentations, or similar content using video technology. Unofficially, it is the best way for the busy academic to get free, impartial and resolute learning advice on the go.
The latest webinar from Academia is once again on hand to educate our customers with the best in technology innovations in Education. We invite you to join us on the 28th May for a 1 hour’s session on how to learn about detailing Identity and Access Management (IAM) with focus dedicated to Privileged Access Management (PAM) for the Higher Education (HE) sector.
Chris Boyle, HE Identity specialist at PwC, will provide an overview of Identity and Access Management (IAM) and Privileged Access Management (PAM). We will explore the unique challenges faced by HE, what we see in the market and key considerations for IT security.
- 3pm Start
- Introductions
- Trends in the market – David Grant, Academia
- Frameworks & Vendors – David Grant, Academia
- The advisory view – David Grant, Academia
- What is Identity and Access Management? (IdAM) (the 4 pillars) – Chris Boyle, PwC
- How do the pillars align with the market? – Chris Boyle, PwC
- Education specific challenges – Chris Boyle, PwC
- Protection against a common enemy: the insider threat – Chris Boyle, PwC
- What does PwC see and where do we sit? – Chris Boyle, PwC
- The PwC Approach to success – Chris Boyle, PwC
- Academia and PwC partnership – Chris Boyle, PwC
- Questions
PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PwC) is a multinational professional services network who are working with Academia to help run this Identity and Access webinar for Higher Education.
David Grant is the Software Solutions Manager for Academia, having worked within the education sector for over 10 years offering software support across the HE framework.
Register today here