Meet the staff

Meet the Staff

There is nothing more powerful than your staff’s passion and initiative to make customers happy to spark long-lasting positive word of mouth comments about your company.

At Academia we are truly only as great as the people who embody the mission of our group, those who go above and beyond to see the company succeed and to make our customers happy.

Our marketing manager Brad Chuck met with 3 of the Academia family to find out more about how their passion and drive of working for the business has been the backbone behind the success and rewards we have brought to our customers.  Teeth, exotic holidays and interesting visions of the future were all discussed.

Brad Chuck:  Hello team!  So, for the benefit of our readers, who do we have with us today?

Collectively: Alev Ahmed, Charles Awode and Patrycja Marjanska

Brad: Thanks, so let’s get straight into it – how long have you each been a part of the Academia family?

Alev Ahmed: 12 and a half glorious years

Charles Awode: 2 years, 8 months and counting….

Patrycja Marjanska: 1 year and 3 months

Brad: And what do you do at Academia?

AA: Credit Controller

CA: Education Account Manager

PM: Education Account Executive for HE

BC: Let’s talk Tech! So, what APP on your phone is your current favourite?

AA: WhatsApp for sure!

CA: Snapchat! There’s something about having a glimpse into someone else’s life and sharing parts of mine with the social media world. Follow me!

PM: Snap!  I mean same!  Snapchat – but I love YouTube as well

BC: Ok, well let’s find out a little bit more about you – what is your current favourite movie?

AA: I am going to cheat – Can I pick 3?  I love the Back to the Future Trilogy!

CA: I am Legend….give Will Smith an Oscar!

PM: Pulp Fiction – Film noir classic!

BC: Great, so come on what can’t you live without?  What is your most prized possession that you own?

AA: My teeth for sure!  Complement my smile!

CA: I can’t live without my phone, however I would say my DJ decks are my most prized possession. My decks have been my partner in crime for the last few years, travelling far and wide and helping me to keep party goers around the world jumping.

PM: A 1kg tub of Nutella stashed away in my bedroom (in case of an emergency)

BC: Not sure I could handle that much Nutella…. Right, we play a lot of music in the Academia HQ – who is your favourite band or singer?

AA: Take That!  Hands down the greatest

CA: Michael Jackson and Puff Daddy, but not at same time

PM: Trey Songz – not heard of?  I suggest you Google him!

BC: Let us talk about your free time away from work – what is your current favourite holiday destination?

AA: Can I cheat?  Haven’t been there yet but I would think Bora Bora once I do go…

CA: Miami, Florida #TakeMeBack

PM: Anywhere with a sunny beach and good food!

BC: What have your personal highlights been at Academia so far?  What has made you stand out and feel part of the team?

AA: There are so many but I would say being elected to the Executive Club twice, Adobe trip to the Monaco Grand Prix and being part of the wonderful credit control team!

CA: Being part of the prestigious Presidents Club, as only those that have worked hard and have a brilliant work ethic whilst demonstrating our core values come along on the trip

PM: Being shortlisted for the Women in Channel Awards – a huge honour to have representation for Women in Tech.

BC: So why do you think clients and customers choose to work with Academia?

AA: Competitive pricing, one stop shop capability and good account management

CA: Academia do their utmost to ensure that the correct solutions are provided for our clients, we have worked hard to partner with world leading vendors to ensure that all services offered are not only world class but can be trusted. We take time to carefully understand our clients’ needs and requirements before presenting and discussing how to move forward. Sounds cliché, our clients are our priority.

PM: For the attention to detail and fulfilling customer needs, short and long term. Also, for the competitive pricing, especially on Apple products.

BC: Finally, and as you are all part of a Technology firm with wide eyed ambitions, what do you think the classroom of the future will look like in your eyes?

AA: Home schooling, virtual headsets connected to the teacher and communication via email, at least I hope so, so they don’t clog up the traffic in the mornings!

CA: I think that we are not far away from students not being required to bring a bag to school, technology truly is the future. Students will be using some form of mobile device that their teachers will be able to push out work and assignments too, all their work will be done on mobile devices.

PM: Classrooms will look like something out of the matrix. Technology will take over & virtual reality will kick in!



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