15 Mar The Cube Episode 2 – Cloud Filtering and Vital York
The Cube is back!
The newly fitted studio from the Academia Group has a new home in the revamped headquarters, meaning superior sound and video concepts in webinars, interviews and podcasts are back on the menu.
We christened the newly furnished Cube with the second of our Podcast episodes recently, focusing on Cloud-Based web Filtering for 1:1 schemes and devices outside the school (and how to achieve it).
Also, we talked to Vital York about our new relationship with them and how this will benefit the Schools arena. Featuring Mike Bacon (Managing Director – Academia Group), Steve Pattison (Managing Director – Vital York) and Tom “TAG” Able-Green (Education Solutions Manager/Stats Monkey – Academia), the lively discussion is must listen.
You can download and listen to this Podcast via several of our official player channels: