22 May Working successful at Universities and Schools: Sharing is Caring
Nowadays, in school or university environments, everyone expects to have access to all relevant information at their fingertips. Literally, by clicking a link or just opening a file/folder on any available device like a smartphone, laptop PC or tablet, exchanging data and being able to jointly work on presentations, documents or excel sheets has become essential to be successful and efficient during school or university time.
Educational staff does not want to lose time over trying to get the information across and making sure each student finally gets the message and students do not want to waste precious time with figuring out where to get said information. With a central File Sync and Share platform every bit of information resides in a shared location and can be easily updated, shared, edited or deleted if necessary. An effective usage of such a platform helps teachers and tutors to reach out to students in a much timelier manner and students know they always get the most recent and relevant information. Deadlines won’t be missed, input can be used to its full and joint work can happen across campus without the tedious discussions who can meet up and when and where. Another motivating benefit of a File Sync and Share solution is that students can work in a modern environment and with devices they are used to. This will make the work relation between staff and students more efficient.
Sharing is indeed caring in this case but let’s not forget the security aspect. Sharing in an uncontrolled and unsecure manner can bring more harm than help so choosing the right solution is essential. Acronis Files Advanced (former Acronis Access Advanced) provides users exactly with such a reliable solution for safe data exchange and the balance of the users need to use all their devices to be productive with the organisation’s need for data security, visibility and compliance. Especially if educational institutions are thinking of using the File Sync and Share platform to provide coursework, personal student data, examination papers and evaluations it is a number one priority to keep the data and the exchange as secure as possible.
Set the right policies and controls
Flexible, yet sophisticated security, DLP and workflow capabilities give IT the power to protect the company’s critical documents with file sharing security policies that ensure control and compliance for content, users and devices. File access and sharing is configurable by rules and policies set by administrators to ensure alignment with corporate governance, compliance and security policies. The audit log gives IT the required visibility for complete file sharing transparency. Enable IT to see what is happening, what files are being shared and any operations that are taking place. This is an important factor to be able to show evidence of secure, controlled and responsible data transactions.
To provide complete protection Acronis Files Advanced uses in-transit and on-device encryption. In addition, the software meets stringent regulatory standards with FIPS 140-2 certified encryption for iOS. Selective automatic or manual remote wipe ensures corporate content, and only corporate content, is wiped from the user’s device in case of loss, theft or employee leaving the company. This feature enhances the corporate content security and privacy and ensures that data is not misused or in the wrong hands. An enhanced two-factor authentication provides organizations with elevated security as required by government entities and regulated industries.
Share, but do it secure
File Sync and Share solutions such as Acronis Files Advanced bring a lot of benefits: They increase work productivity, turn mobile devices into roaming offices and eliminate the need for a FTP server. With the Acronis FSS platform these benefits are paired with ease of use and comprehensive control features. But more importantly the software gives its users the full security that is needed to have safe and efficient data transactions without compromising either performance or ease of access. Even in the case of a lost device or a student not being enrolled anymore data can be easily deleted to ensure full protection of other users. This combination makes Acronis Files Advanced the ideal platform for the needs of students and staff alike.
To find out more on how Acronis from Academia can support your File Sharing needs, please fill in your details below for one of the software team to contact you today:
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