12 Apr Academia at the ‘Let’s get Phygital 2019’ event
The Academia Further Education team are delighted to be confirmed as a principle sponsor and partner at the ‘Let’s Get Phygital’ event from Cardiff & Vales College, taking place on Wednesday 5th June 2019.
The first TEL festival by CAVC’s TEL team aims to bring a focus on successful technology enhanced learning implementations within education from around the UK.
With several of the Microsoft MIEE UK Team sharing their stories at the event, including our very own Tom Able-Green, there will be learners and teachers highlighting what has impacted on their learning and teaching, and expert panels focusing on accessibility, digital transformation and digital capability.
The event is aimed at learning technologists, Senior and Middle Managers, and Teachers looking who are looking for ways to enhance the learning and teaching experience in their institution.
Cardiff and Vale College (CAVC) is one of the largest colleges in the UK – Delivering high quality education and training across the capital region of Wales. They are 30,000 learners, a dynamic and motivated staff of subject specialists and industry experts that are training people in top class facilities, in the Community and the workplace.
The Academia FE team will have a stand at the event and will be on hand to discuss how we can provide a compliant route to market for Software, Hardware and associated services. We would love to share further detail about our Value-Added services so please stop by for a conversation with our expert account managers.
Academia has over 16 years of experience in providing IT solutions with world-class vendors such as Apple, Adobe, Microsoft and HP, training and technical services to over 300 Higher Education institutions. Find out more about the event here
To arrange a one to on meeting with one of our experts at the event, please call 01992 703 900 or email info@oldsite.academia.co.uk