07 Nov A is for Academia
A is for Academia
With being the first letter of the alphabet, comes great responsibility. Focussing on a brand message that is a simple ‘a’ means we have much to live up to. Thankfully, with the support of world leading vendors, distributors and most importantly, our customers, we can certainly show that ‘A’ is the way forward in Technology Solution.
The Academia Technology Group, founded in 2003, is a fast-growing group of technology companies in the UK. We partner with world-class vendors such as Apple, Adobe, Google, Microsoft and HP to provide elite technology solutions across a range of markets including the private and public sectors and pro media sector.
Our Group is aligned to offer full scale customer support and service to various markets in the UK that require Technology inspiration and ideas to help grow and develop in a digital first world. These groups are defined as follows:
Academia for Education – Began as an IT Reseller to education facilities via the government frameworks. Now with 14 years’ experience, we supply Technology products and solutions to over 10,000 Schools and over 300 colleges and universities
Academia for Business – Our business philosophy is putting cloud, connectivity and mobile technology services at the heart of the modern workplace. To support this we have an extensive range of broadband and cloud services that are hosted in our own data centres here in the UK
Academia for Charity – Expanding our solutions to the Charity market has seen our reputation grow as being a leading supplier of hardware and software for an industry that relies on technical support to grow awareness
Academia for Technical Services – The Tech Services team are responsible for ISP solutions, Cloud Hosting concepts and full tech support on software issues
Academia for Revive IT – When IT assets reach the end of their working life for your organisation, it doesn’t have to mean disposal. Our ReviveIT process offers organisations a high security service to data wipe, refurbish and remarket used IT assets, returning residual value to our clients
Academia for eCommerce – A new part of the group that offers eCommerce store options for public and private sector businesses to sell direct products to their own audience. We also host our own online stores to sell direct hardware and software products to consumers
Academia a+ – ConnectED, BoxEd, Revive IT and Academia services have joined forces to create a+ – a complete solution to education technology hardware recycling and management.
As a growing business, we are ever evolving to offer full scale technical support and solutions to all areas of the public and private sector. Being able to translate our expertise to a wider audience is the reason behind the new brand identity. Everything begins with an A….
To learn more about our products and services, please email sales@oldsite.academia.co.uk or phone 01992 703 900