School’s out! 10 ways how teachers can relax and recharge over the summer

Teaching, let nobody fool you, is hard. The role of a classroom educator takes up every ounce of brain-power, energy and heart on a daily basis. Finding a way to switch off and find balance via a relaxing plan and schedule is the goal to long-term teaching happiness.

The team at Academia, well traversed with working with thousands of UK teachers and Classroom assistants, have compiled a list of simple but engaging tips that are designed to help you relax, recharge and find your mojo over the coming summer weeks.

1. Get a Massage
Don’t let stress pile up – one of the biggest reasons for teachers quitting the profession is stress. The holidays give you a chance to find a richer balance that can help elevate stress patterns. A massage is the perfect way to help release emotional and physical issues. Finding someone to give you a massage may be harder though, so why not invest in a portable massage machine? Didn’t know they existed? Get on a famous search engine now…

2. Get Outside
There’s something about fresh air that makes everything better. Taking a quiet walk at the end of the day to decompress, collect your thoughts, and get your steps in is essential. Find your favourite park, flower garden, or trail to walk and explore.

3. Make time for friends and family
The holidays are a time for socialising and discussing ‘things other than your behaviour management agenda’ for next term. With the luxury of a few weeks off, teachers should enjoy spending time with family and friends, completely switching off from school life.

4. Binge watch your favourite Box Set
This is your time – so use it well. Those box sets will not watch themselves and how on earth will you be able to keep up with the staff room chat about the latest TV phenomenon? Find a comfy chair, pure your favourite drink and enjoy.

5. Start a new hobby
Let us list the reasons:

  • Helps express creativity
  • Clarifies the mind
  • Adds a new social aspect
  • Boosts Confidence
  • Relieves emotional and physical stress
  • Makes you the master of a new skill

6. Treat yourself little but often
You deserve it – may it be the odd lie in, the sweet treat, the long drink, the extra nibble, the longer stay in the bath…. your hard work during term time can only really be rewarded by you.

7. Sleep
What is not to love about sleep? You forget about pain, problems, stress, everything for a while each day. Sleep is essential for the well-being of any human, good sleep can improve concentration and productivity as well as upgrading your immune system on a regular basis. This is your chance to catch some zzzzzz’s….if you can.

8. Don’t talk about School
You are not at school or college, so why talk about it? Leave that to the new term.

9. Get involved with your local community
From volunteering to lending a helping hand, this is the ideal opportunity to learn more about the town you live in. Who knows what you will find out or discover – check local newspapers and councils for community projects and get-togethers

10. Prep yourself, September is nearly here!
Sorry, sometimes the break is not long enough…prepare yourself by following your support team at Academia across the summer on our social channels or by subscribing to our news email service to make sure you are ready for the new term when it comes.

Enjoy your break, my word you deserve it.

From the team at Academia – The Education Technology Partner


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